Man in Texas ate 100 slices of pizza

“In the heart of Texas, a man has made history by consuming a staggering 100 slices of pizza in one sitting. Dubbed the “Pizza King” by onlookers, this gluttonous feat has left the entire state in a state of shock and awe.

According to eyewitnesses, the man, who wishes to remain anonymous, began his pizza feast at the stroke of noon and didn’t stop until every last crumb had been devoured. “I’ve always had a bit of a pizza addiction,” the man admitted, “but I never thought I could take it to this level.”

The Pizza King’s accomplishment has been met with mixed reactions. “I’m in complete awe,” said local resident, John Smith. “I’ve never seen someone put away that much pizza in one sitting.”

However, not everyone was impressed. “This is a disgusting display of gluttony,” said local nutritionist, Jane Doe. “Eating 100 slices of pizza in one sitting is not only unhealthy, but it sets a terrible example for the community.”

Despite the backlash, the Pizza King remains unrepentant. “I’ll do it again if I want to,” he stated confidently. “Pizza is just too delicious to resist.”

This incident serves as a reminder that even the most delicious foods can be dangerous in excess. Let this be a cautionary tale of the dangers of overindulgence and the importance of moderation in all things. We must all learn to enjoy our pizza in moderation, or risk becoming the next Pizza King.”

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