Man in Kentucky stay in a pool full of poo for 48 hours

“In a bizarre and revolting display of endurance, a man from Kentucky has set a new record by staying submerged in a pool filled with feces for a mind-blowing 48 hours.

According to onlookers, the man, who wishes to remain anonymous, dove into the pool at the stroke of midnight on Friday and didn’t resurface until Sunday evening. “I’ve always been fascinated by feces,” the man admitted. “I wanted to see how long I could survive in a pool of it.”

The man’s feat has been met with both shock and disgust by those who witnessed it. “I’ve never seen anything like it,” said Robert Miller, a bystander. “He just kept swimming and swimming, like nothing was wrong.”

However, not everyone was impressed. “This is just sick,” said local health inspector Jane Doe. “Being submerged in a pool of feces for that long is extremely unsanitary and can lead to a host of serious health problems.”

Despite the backlash, the man remains unrepentant. “I’ll do it again if I want to,” he said. “Feces is just too fascinating to resist.”

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