Aaron Rodgers To Decide Future By Consulting With Coven Of Trusted Witches

GREEN BAY, WI. After a season that did not meet expectations, Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers announced to the press on Thursday that he will be seeking guidance from a group of trusted witches while considering his future career options. This could include returning to the Packers, exploring potential trades, or even retiring.

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‘I Love That It Has Pockets,’ Says Woman Showing Off New Boyfriend

Kansas City, MO. Nelly was seen twirling and showcasing her new boyfriend to her friends while mentioning that the boyfriend has pockets, which is a feature she likes. She said, “I know it’s not my usual style, but it does have four pockets around the waist and this extra one up here over the breast.” She also mentioned how the pockets will come in handy for carrying her belongings.

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Declining Bee Population Linked To Increase In Bees’ Pornography Consumption

In a groundbreaking new investigation into the population decline of critical pollinators, entomologists at Cornell University published a study Tuesday that establishes a link between bees’ dwindling numbers and their increased consumption of pornographic materials. “It appears the marked collapse in honeybee colonies over the past 15 years can be largely attributed to the male drones’ rampant use of hardcore bee pornography,” said head researcher Lisa Harrison.

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